الجمعة، 28 فبراير 2014


NeuroCore :

NeuroCore is packed with powerful precise doses of scientifically studied, fully disclosed key ingredients, including a newly added energy and focus complex to bring an added edge to any hardcore training session.
NeuroCore contains 3200mg of beta-alanine   the exact dose scientifically shown to help enhance the muscle- and strength-building process.
A highly potent and unique creatine known as creatine HCl has been infused into the formula. Creatine is clinically validated to amplify gains in size and strength.
NeuroCore is formulated with a research-tested dose of pure L-citrulline instead of L-arginine for intense, long-lasting muscle pumps. L-citrulline has shown in research to reach superior peak plasma arginine levels compared to a larger dose of L-arginine.
NeuroCore contains 150mg of L-theanine, which helps support improved focus.
A potent yohimbe bark extract has been added to NeuroCore supplying rauwolscine and yohimbine, which are categorized as selective alpha 2 receptor antagonists. Human research indicates that blocking alpha 2 receptors may play a significant role in supporting blood flow.

How to take it :

Shake container thoroughly before use. Consume 30 to 45 minutes before activity. We strongly recommend assessing your tolerance by using 1 scoop mixed in 4 oz. of water, especially if you’re sensitive to stimulants.
Or Increase to 2 scoops mixed in 8 oz. of water. For full effects, increase to 3 scoops mixed in 12 oz. of water.
Do not exceed 3 scoops in a 24-hour period. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily for general good health.

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