الاثنين، 3 فبراير 2014

Cell tech

Cell tech :

CELL TECH delivers 7g of HPLC certified creatine monohydrate and 3g of creatine HCl which helps improve between-set muscle recovery, amplify muscle performance, and build more lean muscle.
Subjects who consumed the amount of creatine and carbohydrates supplied during the CELL TECH loading stage gained, on average, 3.4 pounds of muscle in
7 days. Subjects taking creatine with juice gained only 0.8 pounds
In another study, subjects taking the amount of creatine and carbohydrates found in two scoops of CELL TECH significantly increased their strength on the bench press by 17%,
leg press by 29% and biceps curl by 28% respectively

How to take it :

Take 1 scoop with 6 oz. of water immediately following your workout,If you’re not training that day take it in the morning
For better results :
you can take 2 scoop per serving

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