الأحد، 2 فبراير 2014

Biceps workout

Biceps :

The biceps brachii is a stronger elbow flexor when the radioulnar joint (forearm) is supinated. The biceps brachii is a stronger forearm supinator when the elbow is flexed.
During elbow flexion, motor units in the lateral portion of the long head of the biceps are preferentially activated, whereas during forearm rotation, motor units in the medial portion are preferentially activated.
During a dynamic elbow flexion, the biceps is more readily activated than the brachialis. Alternatively, the brachialis becomes more readily activated during isometric elbow flexion.
The triarticulate biceps brachii muscles, particularly the short head enters passive insufficiency through the completion of elbow extension when the shoulders are more extended or through the completion of shoulder extension when the elbows are more extended. The triarticulate biceps brachii muscles, particularly the short head enters active insufficiency through the completion of elbow flexion when the shoulders are more flexed (brachialis becomes more active) or through the completion of shoulder flexion when the elbows are more flexed.

Here is a workout to train your biceps lets see it :

Exercise 1 : Barbell Curl
                    4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps

Exercise 2 : Preacher Curl
                    3 sets of 10 reps
Exercise 3 : Reverse Barbell Curl
                    3 sets of 10 reps
Exercise 4 : Incline Dumbbell Curl
                    2 sets of 10 reps
Exercise 5 : Concentration Curls
                    2 sets of 15 reps

This is biceps workout day goodluck.

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